What is this?

I strive to be curious. This blog is a sort of exercise in keeping my eyes and ears open for the subtle inspiration in this big city. Here are some of the results...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Collegiate sculpture and found words...

Columbus Circle. I think it's an architecture joke and a math joke. Both.

A few shots of sculpture around the Columbia University campus.

And, finally... An old storefront sign near the Broadway N/W train stop. I'm particularly intrigued by the juxtaposition of products advertised.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Central Park. (I posted this on my other blog, but the topic just begs a viewing on this one too...)


[Occasionally, I might post dribs and drabs of conversations overheard about the city. These are fun to notice too.]

[Overheard while walking down 46th Street in Astoria...]
Brother: Tanea, stop being such a pain in the ass!
Tanea: But that's my thang! If I wasn't, I wouldn't be Tanea!
Brother: You'd be a better Tanea.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Window displays...

There are so many in the city. Along Fifth Avenue. At Macy's at Broadway and 34th. Window displays! And they're not just for the holidays. Keep an eye peeled for some pretty fantastic offerings in the "off" season. The photo here is from the Bergdorf-Goodman display at 57th and 5th...

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I didn't get a photo because my hands were full of laundry, but I witnessed such an interesting sight yesterday. As I was folding the tees at my local laundromat, a mother and son walked by the storefront. From the mother's attire and dialect, I surmised that they were of eastern Indian descent. Well, evidently she had just picked up the boy from kindergarten or some other activity. He was wearing a construction paper headband and single feather that you might often see around Thanksgiving. He was crying. I don't think it had to do with the headdress, but it was an interesting visual.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Many a marquee in the Theatre District...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yankee doodle boy and more...

Here are a few snaps taken yesterday on a walkabout through Times Square and Midtown South...

First is George M. Cohan as he watches over the tourist-teeming Times Square. Then juxtaposition is key. Third is a view west on 42nd Street at the West Bank Cafe with some Chinese lanterns and a sunset. Then we've got the green-lit Empire State Building from a 'za joint. And last is a photo of the Horace Greeley statue in his square... as if he's sitting in the hydrangeas.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Just ducky...

May 31, 2010: Astoria, Queens. 30th Avenue near 32nd Street. In front of a small grocery store is a duck you can ride for a quarter and a selection of candy and toy vending machines (with an ominous skull sticker affixed). The sky had just opened up in a lovely little summer shower. The duck seemed happy.