What is this?

I strive to be curious. This blog is a sort of exercise in keeping my eyes and ears open for the subtle inspiration in this big city. Here are some of the results...

Saturday, May 22, 2010


[Occasionally, I might post dribs and drabs of conversations overheard about the city. These are fun to notice too.]

[Overheard while walking past the local middle school...]
Hoodlum #1: "And then he said 'F**K YOU!!' and 'F**K YOU!!' and 'F**K THAT!!'"
Hoodlum #2: "I know! That's what I was saying... 'Absolute power corrupts absolutely!'"

[Overheard at the bar down the street...]
Barfly #1: "Hey, I smoked one of Keith Richards' cigarettes!"
[Long explanation about a buddy who works at a studio where Richards recorded and left some cigs.]
Barfly #2: "You smoke? Don't you know that's bad for you?"
Barfly #1: "Man, I thought that'd go over better."

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