What is this?

I strive to be curious. This blog is a sort of exercise in keeping my eyes and ears open for the subtle inspiration in this big city. Here are some of the results...

Friday, August 13, 2010

A rabble of noticed things...

I'm often intrigued by the names of groups of animals... colony of ants, cloud of bats, rabble of butterflies, etc. Since I've not been updating regularly, here is a bunch of little things that have caught my eye. Sort of defeats the purpose to have a bunch of 'em coming at you at once, but then again it's sort of fun...

New York City is absolutely chock full of mosaic art. There are large mosaic murals everywhere and there's the renowned Strawberry Fields in Central Park. And you can always find inspiring bits in pretty much any subway station you encounter.

On a recent meandering from East Village to Greenwich Village, I was getting inspired by colors... the red & green of an Italian restaurant and a green bakery, a rainbow colored "Hell Yes!" on the New Museum, a blue Vespa, a pink apartment building.

I absolutely love establishments where you can just feel the weight of history in the walls. Here in NYC, I'm constantly noticing this in Broadway theatres, bars like McSorleys and the sadly departed Chumley's, music venues like the Vanguard. I recently experienced another heavy place. Katz's Delicatessen has been on the LES since the 1880s and has served millions its comfort food. It has appeared in movies... most notably the "I'll have what she's having" scene in When Harry Met Sally. So much to notice here. You don't even have to keep your eyes open that wide.

Here's random mix of interesting tidbits. Well, interesting to me: A mailbox high up in a tree in Union Square, a mannequin and scythe on mailboxes outside a prop/curiosities shop in the East Village, Spiderman trying to offset the megacosts of his upcoming Broadway show, that amazing orange-glazed brick in many train stations, an old Lite Brite in a window and a Fun neon sign just down the street from Katz's.

And lastly, here's a wee video featuring amazing musicians and arts advocates, the Asphalt Orchestra in their recent free outdoor concert at Lincoln Center. This march branched off of a performance of "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" and led the crowd through the courtyards. They're fun.

That's quite a murder of tidbits. Hope you didn't get overwhelmed. Until next time... keep those eyes and ears open.

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